Our products are guaranteed according to legal conditions.

Regarding products that are out of warranty, please refer to the following rates:

(+10 participation towards shipping costs)

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Short replica : 15€

Long replica : 25€

Sniper replica 30€

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Non-blowback replica : 30€

Blowback replica : 40€

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Electric replica : 60 €

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Short replica : 30€

Long replica : 40€

Before returning your product, please remember to check the following points:

  • Have you filled the magazine with gas/CO2?
  • Are you using the recommended BBs by CYBERGUN?
  • Is the battery properly installed and charged?
  • Have you checked that the fuse is not defective?
  • Is the magazine compatible with this replica model?
  • If your product is under warranty, you can request a cost estimate by email before returning it.

For everyday maintenance and minor repairs, check out the videos on our YouTube channel !

How to return your product?

Download the dedicated form and follow the instructions provided. You will receive an email at each stage of processing your request.

You are a retailer:

You are a individual:

Contact your official CYBERGUN retailer.

How to order your spare parts?

You are a retailer:

You are a individual:

Contact your official CYBERGUN retailer.